Fenty Fam

Terms of service

Welcome to FentyFam! This is a collaboration between you and Fenty Beauty and we can't wait to see you shouting loud! As a Fenty Beauty advocate, you'll play a crucial role in championing our products/services and helping us reach new heights. Here's what we expect from you:

Scope of Work

1. Once you have completed a few easy tasks, you will be rewarded with Radiant Beginnings.
2. Fenty Beauty expects you to post at least once on your IG Grid within 30 days after receiving your Fenty Beauty product.
  1. After the first post goes live, you are free to take part in as many tasks as you please. 4. Each task rewards you with points which enable you to level up through each tier of the program.
  2. Each time you level up you will unlock bigger and better rewards and exclusive community perks, so don’t forget to continually share the Fenty Beauty love! We expect you to post on your IG grid each time you receive more Fenty Beauty products.

Content Expectations

When posting on social media, you must include:

a. tags to all relevant Fenty Beauty channels @FentyBeauty) 
b. brand hashtags @FentyBeauty, @FentyFam
c. imagery that is respectful and appropriate for all audiences.

When posting on social media, you must not include:

a. references to products/services from any other brands.
b. mentions, images or references to any offensive, harmful, or illegal content.
c. degenerative comments towards competitors, employees, social personalities or religious characters.
d. content that infringes on the intellectual property rights or privacy of any third party.

As a member of FentyFam, you are agreeing that any content you submit to the program may be used and re-purposed by Fenty Beauty for promotional, marketing and advertising purposes, both online and offline, without any compensation beyond the benefits provided as part of FentyFam.

Wherever possible, Fenty Beauty will credit you as the creator of the content by using your social media handle, name or username. However, due to technical limitations or space constraints, explicit attribution may not always be possible.


You or Fenty Beauty are able to delete your FentyFam account at any time. Your partnership may be terminated by Fenty Beauty if:

  1. You fail to post at least once on your IG Grid within 30 days after receiving your Fenty Beauty product. 2. Your account is inactive for a period of 6 months or longer. 3. You fail to meet the program expectations, which may include but is not limited to:
a. posting or submitting content that is of low quality.
b. posting or submitting content that doesn’t adhere to our Fenty Beauty guidelines.
c. posting or submitting content that doesn’t meet the terms outlined in the Scope of Work.

If you’re happy with all of the points mentioned above, let’s go!

Please confirm you have read and understood our Scope of Work and therefore acknowledge our expectations of you as a Fenty Beauty advocate.

[Sign here]: ___________________________ [Date]: _____________________

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